Friday, January 8, 2016

Planting Season This January 2016

At the start of the year, my passion in planting intensifies as I received lots of seeds to plant both in our front yard and backyard.

I just have to sort out which seeds are best suited in front or at the back of our home.

My strategy will be double-purpose, so they say. Those plants that are vine-climbing will also serve as curtains or drapes on the fence at the front, where it is also vulnerable to stray animals, like goats.

I already have coconut trees and bananas at our backyard, so, those plants needing less sunshine will be suited there.

Anyways, I am hopeful that my Phase 1 of planting spree will be achieved  as some seeds will never germinate if kept for a long time (let's say, a month or two) inside the drawer of my cabinet.

The options in Organic Farming are endless. At lot of possibilities. It's up to us to give back to Mother Nature and thank the Lord Almighty for providing us food through these seeds.

PHASE 1 of my SOWING SPREE includes: Singkamas, Sigarilyas, Saffron, Okra& Mongo.