Friday, November 27, 2015

Organic Farming and its Positive Feedback

In a span of two months, since September 2015, my Facebook Page on Organic Farming in the Philippines gained a lot of readership and followers.

I shared interesting topics and discovered new things regarding organic farming in return, as I continue widening my scope regarding agriculture.

There are lots of queries about anything regarding Organic Gardening/Farming coming from the readers.

This only shows that most people are now awakened and became aware on the importance of natural farming, since synthetic ways of propagating vegetables and other aspects of agriculture only bring harm to one's health.


With so much resources to share with online, I became engrossed with sharing as many as important factors in Organic Farming as much as possible, thereby captivating online readers  as source of their initiative to start a hands-on in Natural Farming method, the Permaculture or permanent agriculture, hydroponics, and a lot more.

Starting in their backyards, family efforts really took part in order to prosper when it comes to farming.

Inspired by you positive feedback, I will continue sharing  aspects on Organic Farming that we can all apply not only in backyard gardening but also to the rest of the communities we belong.

ORGANIC FARMING...please support my advocacy. JOIN NOW!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Let us promote and practice Organic Farming!

I published a Facebook Page about Organic Farming in the Philippines this year.

It received an overwhelming response by drawing more LIKEs due to the clamor of going back to basics in farming.

Farming is not just planting rice. It involves all aspects in AGRICULTURE.

At the FB site, more than 2,000 followers have taken their interest to go ORGANIC.

It's not as simple as what I will say.

I did it myself, so, I can proudly say that the benefits of ORGANIC FARMING influences my happy disposition in life nowadays.
I have reaped the rewards of my efforts.

The following photos are just the mementos of the succulent, sweet and tasty SUCCESS of embracing what's good for our MOTHER NATURE.

We must act to heal our planet by taking care and pledging to be vigilant stewards of all GOD's creations.

This is the barrio (countryside) where I live...Baliuag Nuevo, MInalabac, Camarines Sur, BICOL PHILIPPINES.

Gabi (Taro) varieties abound in my country. Here in Bicol, we are fond of cooking our most-talked about LAING delicacies (Bicol Express and the fusion of it).

SIGARILYAS also abound in our place. If eaten fresh, it can cure a lot of health problems in our bodies.

BUNGKUKAN, a variety of taro plant used to add  body and taste to local dishes, like NILAGA, IGADO and more.
The SUMMER of 2015 gave us a lot of INDIAN MANGOES to harvest for. Thank you, Lord.

INISKO, a crossbreed between LATUNDAN and SABA varieties of banana.
Uprooting my PEANUTS

Oh, my TOMATOES! I used to eat it fresh from its stalk with a little dash of salt.
My biggest harvest, so far. PAPAYA!!!

Who can sweeten this sour fruits? CAMIAS

You can follow my journey in ORGANIC FARMING via my FB Page:

If you admire this blog, please leave comments for feedback. Thank you very much!
(Ireno A. Alcala, radio broadcaster, writer, documenter,Sept.25,2015)